60 minute Manual Lymph Drainage MT170716AM


60 minutes of manual lymph drainage includes front of the neck, face and full back. What is MLD? Manual Lymph Drainage is a manual technique to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of tissues. MLD can help a patient to recuperate from chronic illnesses by allowing their parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) to predominate. MLD is calming and relaxing to receive and patients often feel a sense of well-being after treatment. It may also affect the immune system. By assisting lymph flow, MLD is thought to bring pathogens quicker to the lymph nodes where they can be neutralized. Some conditions that can benefit from MLD include: •whiplash •cold/flu •eczema •rosacea •dental work •headaches/migraines •MS •depression •sprain/strains/tears •OA •frozen shoulder •insomnia •COPD •pregnancy •sciatica •PMS •endometriosis
